Life is too Short for mediocre love
Ready to Kick-Start Your Heart?

Be Obsessively Grateful in Your Life

Grateful Hearts are Magnets for Miracles & We are Most Alive When We're in Love Life is too short to wake up with regrets! So love the people who treat you right, forget about those who don't. Believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would all be worth it! It's Time to Find Your Love Today

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Tips to Keep Love & Tenderness Going Strong

Be Kind, Always

Go out of your way to do sweet and charming things. Try to keep chivalry alive by being respectful, courteous and humble. Look on the bright side of things - be happy, cheerful, and positive in your thoughts/expectations. Most importantly, try your best to communicate properly. No one can read your mind, speak freely, yet kindly, and allow others to do the same.

Chase Love Like You Mean It

Always approach your relationship with the same vigor you had when you were first trying to begin one. Stay in touch with texts, sweet notes and happy surprises. Buy little gifts when you go shopping and hide them. Create memories, never let love get repetitive or stagnant, don’t take each other for granted. Take photographs/videos - memories of everyday moments are priceless.

The Greatest Adventure is What Lies Ahead

Pursue What Sets Your Heart Ablaze!

Make It Happen! There is no time like the present to put yourself out there, fall in love, and live life to the fullest. The world can be harsh, hard times always seem to be around the corner, but living in these times we realize what is essential for happiness - Health, Security & Love - always love! Don't let another day pass with the usuals -- maybe later or I am not ready or the last time it hurt too much to try again. Brush yourself off, focus on the positive, and get out there to find someone who will be your everything. We are suckers for love and happy endings, and we know your story is just beginning!

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People give up too easily on love! In order for love to last, we need solid communication, trust, shared beliefs and the ability to have each other's backs through good times and bad. Understanding the value of effort and teamwork is essential. Another main focus in love is keeping the spark alive, always. I never imagined I would fall for someone I met online, and have instant chemistry, but it happened. If you feel like giving up, or you are tired of the dating scene, hang tight man - it will happen. Sometimes it is just not quick and simple, but it will happen. Thank you for the amazing chance to just stick with it. Love shows up when you least expect it in life, so be willing and able to let it all in! Good luck to you on your adventure.

Do All Things With Love & The Rest Will Follow